New Features and Improvements
1. ICEcat plugin included - beta mode
2. Information Pages section added
3. Export orders to .csv - added option to export only selected orders
1. MyOB Integration plugin included - beta mode. Allows to export orders, customers and inventory into MyOB Accounting Software
2. Product image import improved - more options and more clear...
Beta version.
Install this update to resolve some issues, such as "Socket Error # 10054 Connection reset by peer" occuring when bridge operations are performed through connection with IIS we...
1. Improved Backup/Restore Wizard - now allows to backup and restore files
2. Mail Order Manager export - added option allowing to export country ISO2 codes (letters)
3. Improved Cust...
1. QuickBooks Plugin now allows to import products from QuickBooks or update stock/prices
2. New feature - Clone order products - allows to easily add new products to an order using one of e...
1. QuickBooks Integration Plugin - export Products, Customers and Orders to QuickBooks. Now allows to match products and customers from your store from QuickBooks to avoid duplicates, creates refun...
1. QuickBooks Export plugin, beta mode, requires registration
2. Fixed - order totals wrong tax calculations
3. Fixed - Mass Changer does not update description field
4. Mail O...
1.Does not require administrator privileges to run
2.Program data stored under current user account. Several instances of Store Manager can be running at a time using "runas" command ...
1. Emailing - provides the ability to send e-mails from Store Manager. Instant e-mail notifications can be sent when order status is changed. User may use templates to make emailing process easier....
The most of changes were addressed to improve software stability and reliability. Most significant improvements were made to Mass AdWords Product Ads (Google AdWord generator), AdWord Management se...
Updated Mass AdWord Product Ads generator, importing of product images from http:// source or local directory, improved product search, fixed bugs with product options import